The infinite energy we have within us can be harnessed through meditation.
If you open the eyes of your mind through meditation, you will find that you are surrounded by infinite wealth and that you hold within you an infinite treasure of gems. Within you is a gold mine from which you can extract the resources you need to live your life with joy and glory.
What is the need for meditation?
Suppose you are now a child, your mind is empty, you know nothing, and you do what you see in front of you or what this nature makes you do. When your mind is empty, you will understand every signal of nature and can make the right decisions and be happy. This is the real truth: you are a child of nature; everyone in your family is a child of this nature. Everyone is doing everyone’s work. This nature is God. This nature is always waiting to do your bidding, but you are preoccupied with other thoughts; you are looking for reasons behind everything, whether you can or cannot. Think you can do anything and go ahead; this nature is that God will guide you in the right way.
What secrets are hidden in the breath we take? Those who decide to start meditation need to know.
A wonderful thing is happening in this body. That is changing the air in the nose and acting accordingly. Although there are 350,000 nadis in the human body, the three main ones are Ira, Pingala, and Sushma, which are used to provide various types of energy to the human body. There are many questions about the real existence of these three pulses. These pulses have no scientific existence. Their existence in spirituality and meditation. Only the saint whose kundalini energy is awakened can realize their existence, and the body radiates incredible energy and light.
Explanation of Ira nadi in meditation :-Ira Nadi Air flowing through the left nostril is mental, aspiration, negative, femininity and imagination.
Explanation of Pingala nadi in meditation :-Pingala Nadi The air flowing through the right nostril is Prana, vitality, positivity, virility.
Explanation of Sushumna nadi in meditation :-Sushumna Nadi is the air flowing equally through the two nostrils. It is Kundalini, transcendental, neutral, bisexual.
It has been proven that regular exercise of this Ira Pingala pulse increases the air flow in the lungs several times, and in the case of men, their sexual power increases several times. First close the pingala nadi, or right nostril, with the right hand and inhale through the ira nadi, or left nostril. While breathing, care should be taken that the stomach does not swell; that is, instead of the stomach, the lungs should be filled. Then slowly close the left nostril with your finger and exhale through the right nostril. Then inhale again through the same nostril, i.e., without leaving the fingers, inhale again through the right nostril, and slowly exhale through the left nostril. In this way, change this finger six times in a row and breathe in and out. Care must be taken that this series is not disturbed in any way; otherwise, you will not get the maximum benefit of the Ira Pingala Nadi exercise. One thing that must be observed is that the abdomen should not be inflated in any way while breathing. Breathing must fill the lungs. Then this Ira Pingala Nadi exercise will increase its effectiveness.
How to start Meditation
There are many methods of meditation. You have to control your mind; the most important thing for that is to keep your mind occupied with something; that thing should be good. You have to focus on God or your breathing.
Method 1 :- A yogi or Siddha person breathes seven times in a minute. Have you ever noticed your breathes? If not, start now, set an alarm on mobile, and inhale and exhale 35 times. After that, the alarm should start ringing. If this is not matching, then practice daily from today. See some changes in your life. If you understand, please comment.
Method 2 :- A second method is to lie on the bed, set the alarm for 10 minutes, focus on the toes, and slowly rise up to focus from toes to head.
Method 3 :- you light a candle and watch for 5 minutes with an alarm.
When someone is good at a game and keeps practicing that game again and again and succeeds, you have to play with your mind again and again and learn to control it. One day you will become really good.
I have said so many times to learn to control the mind, but there is another fact about the human mind. Our mind does not actually exist, so it is not caught in medical tests; we create our mind with what we see and hear. After so much information, to get this little bit of conclusion, it is all a game of the mind.
You can also watch ‘how to meditate for beginners’ by Sadhguru
To know more about Meditation you can also visit isha Sadhguru
Very helpful content